The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. How do I know this you ask (aside from Wikipedia of course)? Because 100± of the aforementioned parts are killing me at the moment!!
On a more serious note, I finally got Day 1 post up, however with limited Internet access and Rioja wine (what a blessing as it does make your feet hurt less) I’m beind on my posts and photo updates… It’s just past 4 a.m. here in Logroño, and I have ~30km trek to Nájera ahead of me tomorrow. Stay tuned, I’ll get caught up eventually (I hope…)
September 9, 2015 @ 01:57
Just thinking about your journey today. Watch the movie “THE WAY”. MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE with you.
Today is the feast day of the Nativity of the Bleseed mother.
September 8, It’s her birthday!
Love Cambria
September 9, 2015 @ 12:14
Good morning!
Yes,they were preparing for Fiestas de La Natividad de Nuestra Señora in Santo Domingo de la Calzada when I set out this a.m. Thank you for thinking of me!