I made it to the Pilgrim’s Office in Saint Jean Pied de Port on Amies du Chemin de Saint Jacques at 39 rue de la Citadelle. Now I’m officially registered as a Peregrino (Spanish for Pilgrim).
Happy happy birthday brother!!! So excited about this journey you are on. Enjoy and stay safe lil sis needs you back in one piece.
Mil besos y abrazos fuertes!!
May you have great time while you have your this grand challenge. So proud you could make the commitment to go the distance. I will keep you on my prayers. ♡
Hola from Logroño Cambria!
Nice to hear from you.. I tried sending my link via SMS from my Spain cell but apparently my plan only allows for EU SMS.. The trail has proven more difficult than I anticipated, but I’m confident I’ll make it 😉
Warmest regards,
Lil sis
September 1, 2015 @ 16:24
Happy happy birthday brother!!! So excited about this journey you are on. Enjoy and stay safe lil sis needs you back in one piece.
Mil besos y abrazos fuertes!!
September 2, 2015 @ 00:27
Gracias, I’ll make it back!
September 1, 2015 @ 17:29
Happy birthday. …. don’t walk too much, or don’t drink too much, i hope you are having the tone of your life
September 2, 2015 @ 00:25
Well I’ve already broke both of those, but I’ll try to adhere to your advice!
September 2, 2015 @ 00:26
Thank you for remembering my birthday!
September 2, 2015 @ 17:50
Feliz cumpleanos (12 hours late). Be safe, drink a lot, walk a little.
September 2, 2015 @ 21:24
Thanks RonRon!! Drank a lot of vino tonight, the bartender here in Pamplona told me the more wine you drink the better your feet feel 😉
September 6, 2015 @ 03:35
May you have great time while you have your this grand challenge. So proud you could make the commitment to go the distance. I will keep you on my prayers. ♡
September 6, 2015 @ 21:03
Hola from Logroño Cambria!
Nice to hear from you.. I tried sending my link via SMS from my Spain cell but apparently my plan only allows for EU SMS.. The trail has proven more difficult than I anticipated, but I’m confident I’ll make it 😉
Warmest regards,